We help organisations make sense of
complex data, laws, and processes for communities and investors.


Design innovation

Our goal is to make information open, accessible, and meaningful for communities so they can be involved in decisions that impact them, the environment, and our planet.

We achieve this by helping governments and companies be transparent and transform their systems, communications, engagement, and reporting.

We apply systems thinking, visual storytelling, and participatory design to humanise data and policies, and make content and location services accessible for multiple audiences.

We support partners through research collaborations, training, developing strategies, designing engaging information experiences, and by making useful digital services and software products.


Our work

Legal Design


We are world leading open process and legal designers, visually mapping legislation and regulations to help communities and businesses understand their roles, rights, responsibilities, and government decision making processes.

We design and facilitate workshops that bring people together to collaboratively design and improve laws and processes.


Community Design Innovation Program





Improve access to information and community participation, transform your systems and learn new skills with our Making Open Community Design Innovation Program.

A learning and development program to support organisational change and digital transformation of services through training, workshops, and design collaborations.

Making Open has a content library with useful explainers, design assets and guides. It also serves as a channel for people and organisations to share tools and knowledge about new approaches.


Information Design


Led by Griffith University and Transparency International Australia, we helped design the Australia’s National Integrity System, Blueprint for Action - a publication for advocates to explain what’s needed to create a strong national integrity commission.


Content Design

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Open Ownership is an international non government organisation whose mission is to drive greater corporate transparency across the world by making it easy to publish and access high-quality, linked data about who owns companies.

We worked with Open Ownership to wrangle their content and design the Guide to Implementing Beneficial Transparency.


Service Design


Common Ground was the revolutionary open government mobile web app we made with the Department of Resources and Energy between 2012-2014.

It helped people easily find information about coal, mineral, petroleum and gas activities in New South Wales, and simply explained the role of community in the decision making process.

Although Common Ground was decommissioned in 2023, it is still a world leading example of connecting and presenting data for community audiences, and participatory design.


Data and Policy Storytelling


To bring data and planning concepts to life across multiple channels for Transport for NSW's Future Transport Strategy and Plans - we designed over 450 data visualisations, policy explainers, infographics, illustrations, gifs, animations, including a 100 maps across the Master Strategy and Plans.




We are a female founded, certified social enterprise.

We care about protecting our planet, environment, and people.

Our goal is to ensure laws, projects, and processes are designed to be nature positive and communities have clarity about economic, social and environmental impacts, and can access the resources they need now and into the future to be healthy and resilient.

Our work sets the foundation for democracies to redesign governance to be more open, inclusive and collaborative. 

We have a unique set of creative skills, experience, and the technical capabilities to design open source products that transforms data and allows people to participate in the design and development of public policy, services, programs, and projects that impact them.

If you would like to support our work, you can make a tax deductible donation via the Australian Cultural Fund, an Australian government platform that supports creative and cultural organisations.



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Who We Support

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If you’re interested in funding, partnering or working with us, get in touch!